Student Centers



Hang flyers on designated flyer boards located in the Johnson Center, Student Union Building I (SUB I), and The Hub to advertise to the Mason Community.

For Assistance:


Johnson Center Room 324


Every flyer posted within Student Centers must be stamped either in-person by visiting the Student Centers Office, Johnson Center room 324, or virtually by emailing a pdf copy of the flyer to

  • Registered Student Organizations (RSOs), Mason Departments, individual faculty, staff and students, companies, recruiters, community organizations, and all other individuals may post approved flyers in the designated locations within the Student Centers buildings.
  • Each flyer must have a designated removal date which will follow the guidelines outlined below.
  • The content on a flyer is considered Mason-affiliated content when it advertises Mason-sponsored events (often hosted by a student organization or department), new classes students can register for, Mason services and resources, and other similar concepts.
  • The content on a flyer is considered non-Mason-affiliated content when it advertises non-Mason-sponsored events (such as events in the community not related to Mason), non-Mason housing opportunities (such as rooms for rent), and other similar concepts.
  • A flyer’s content determines how long it can hang on the flyer boards.
  • Mason-affiliated AND non-Mason-affiliated flyers with specific event dates can be posted up to and including the event start date.
  • Non-Mason-affiliated flyers promoting products, services, or ongoing activities will be stamped with a removal date of 14 business days.
  • Mason-affiliated flyers promoting a general advertisement with no given end date may hang until the end of the current semester.
  • Longer periods for posting must be approved by the Director of Student Centers or their designee.


  • Registered Student Organizations and Mason Departments can have up to 19 flyers approved.
  • Individuals and non-Mason organizations can have up to 13 flyers approved.
  • Flyers can be posted only in the following locations in the following amounts:
BuildingLocation# of Boards# of Flyers Allowed
(Mason Departments and RSOs)
# of Flyers Allowed
(Individuals and Non-Mason Affiliated)
Johnson CenterFlyer boards facing the elevators on east and west sides of first, second, and third floors.6126
The HubMid-level flyer board and the two on the lower-level stairs.333
Student Union Building (SUB I)Posting strips in the stairwell.444
Total Flyer Allotment1913


  • Flyers will be removed by Student Centers staff after the specific stamped date has passed.
  • Any flyers posted without a stamp of approval from Student Centers will be removed immediately by Student Centers staff.
  • Flyers which exceed the allotted number as mentioned in the table above will be removed.
  • Flyers posted in prohibited areas, including, but not limited to entry door windows, painted walls, stair rails, pillars, elevators, or floors will be removed immediately. This may result in a loss of posting privileges for the current or future semesters.
  • All flyer boards will be fully cleared at the end of every semester.
  • After two weeks, all flyers are subject to removal by Student Centers staff in order to make room for new flyers if needed, regardless of content type and approval duration. This is to ensure that all users have fair access to the bulletin boards and have the opportunity and space to post their flyers.


  • Student Centers will maintain a digital record of each flyer posted.
  • Flyers can be up to 11″ x 17″ in size. Any flyers posted to the boards larger than this size will be removed by Student Centers staff.
  • Student Centers staff will immediately remove any flyers posted in any areas other than the approved locations described in the table above, including, but not limited to entry door windows, painted walls, stair rails, pillars, elevators, or floors.
  • For individuals and non-Mason organizations, flyers must include two of the following types of contact information: phone number, email, social media handle, or website link (QR code or address) that provides a person’s name and information of the sponsoring organization or individual.
  • For Registered Student Organizations and Mason Departments, flyers must include one of the types of contacts listed above. This provides direct contact information to the sponsor of the flyer in the event that a patron would like further information or dialogue with the sponsor.
  • Student Centers staff cannot print and/or hang up flyers on behalf of an individual or organization. Any costs incurred from printing copies is solely the responsibility of the sponsoring individual or organization.
  • Products and services may not conflict or compete with the University’s exclusive contracts which include but are not limited to:
    •   Barnes and Noble
    •   Sodexo Food Services
    •   Coke Vending Company
    • Canteen Vending Company
    •   Independent Food Contractors: included but not limited to Manhattan Pizza, Panera Bread, Panda Express, and Chipotle
    •   UPS
    •   Wells Fargo
  • Flyer content must comply with all George Mason University, Virginia, and local laws and policies.
  • If the flyer is in a foreign language, an English translation is required.
  • There should be no more than two flyers per posting at each designated location.
  • Approved flyers may only be removed from the flyer boards by Student Centers staff or whomever received Student Centers’ posting approval. If there is no room on the boards to post your flyer, please call Student Centers at  703-993-2921.
  • Any flyers partially or completely covering other flyers will be removed by Student Centers staff.
  • No approval is needed to hand out flyers outside of Student Centers buildings (i.e. in Wilkins Plaza). However, soliciting and/or distributing materials inside buildings is prohibited, unless the activity is taking place at a kiosk the individual or organization has reserved. Individuals cannot approach students or patrons inside the buildings and distribute materials. They must use the proper flyer process and post their flyers in the designated locations or distribute materials from a reserved kiosk space to patrons who approach the kiosk.