Student Centers



Registered Student Organizations and Mason Departments may reserve banner space located in the Johnson Center, Student Union Building I (SUB I), and The Hub to promote their organization and services to the Mason Community.

For Assistance:


Johnson Center Room 324



  • Banner space is only reservable by Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) and Mason Departments. 
  • Organizations may reserve banner space for up to 28 days per semester.
  • Longer periods for posting must be approved by the Director of Student Centers or their designated representative.
  • Outdoor banner requests for the Johnson Center Plazas should be coordinated by contacting Facilities Management Customer Service at 703-993-2525.
  • Decorating the George Mason Statue should be requested by completing the form on the  University Life website or by contacting University Life Central at 703-993-2884



Johnson Center

Ground Floor

First Floor

Second Floor

Third Floor


SUB I Rail Banner - Indoor is located on the railing overlooking Patriot’s Lounge. 

SUB I Rail Banner - Outdoor is located on the railing overlooking the SUB I Quad.  

The Hub

Hub Rail Banner - Indoor is located on the railing overlooking the mid-level. 

Hub Rail Banner - Outdoor is located on the railing overlooking the Corner Pocket Patio. 


  • Registered Student Organizations and Mason Departments should submit a request in 25live at least 5 business days before the desired reservation date. Availability of space is not guaranteed. Reservations are based on availability of unreserved space.
  • All banners are hung up and taken down on Sunday afternoons by Student Centers staff unless otherwise authorized by the Director of Student Centers or their designated representative.
  • Banners must be brought to the Student Centers Administrative Office in Johnson Center Room 324 no later than 3 pm on the Friday before the reservation start date. Not adhering to these procedures may result in a delay in posting of the banner.
  • Banners must be made of vinyl unless otherwise authorized by the Director of Student Centers or their designated representative.
  • Banner dimensions must comply with the dimensions listed below. Banners that are larger than the designated size will not be hung.
Johnson Center Pole BannersVerticalMust be 2.5' wide by 5' tall2.5″ open seam on top
Johnson Center Rail BannersHorizontalMax: 8'-15' wide by 3'-3.5' tallGrommets at top every 2’ apart
SUB I Exterior, SUB I Interior, and The Hub Interior RailsHorizontalMax: 5.5’-8’ wide by 3'-3.5’ tallGrommets at top every 2’ apart
The Hub Exterior Rail BannersHorizontalMax: 8’-12’ wide by 3’-3.5’ tallGrommets at top every 2’ apart
  • The name of the sponsoring organization or department must appear on the banner.
  • All reserved banner spaces must be used to promote one or more of the following: school spirit, campus-wide events, academics, or campus services.
  • It is the responsibility of the organization or department to pick up the banner after being notified that it is ready by Student Centers staff. Banners not picked up by the end of the semester will be discarded.
  • Student Centers is not held responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen banners while posted.